Houston Power Outages Enter 4th Day Amid Heatwave Fears

Hundreds of thousands of Texans are without power for a fourth day after a devastating thunderstorm tore through Houston.

More than 225,000 people were still without power as of Monday morning, according to poweroutages.us, after the storm brought torrential rain, flooding and winds of up to 100 mph.

Deloitte Addresses Core Power Sector Challenges Amid Rising Demand

The electric power industry is expected to experience as much as a tripling of electricity demand by 2050. Further electrification of energy end uses, data center growth, and reshoring of manufacturing could all contribute to this trend. But while this new load could bring additional revenue, preparing for it could challenge the power sector in an increasingly complex and often resource-constrained environment. New policies, technologies, and market innovations could help the industry navigate these challenges.

Why natural gas will thrive in the age of renewables

In 2015, Hawaii’s state government signed into law a bold vision for the island’s energy future, pledging to generate 100 percent of its power from renewables, such as wind and solar power, by 2045. Hawaii’s steady trade winds and warm sunshine seemed to make it the perfect place to pursue a clean energy mix. Already, there are days when Hawaii generates nearly 60 percent of its electricity from renewables.

Can solar energy save the crumbling electric grid during heatwaves?

As extreme temperatures strain electric grids in the U.S., many parts of the country could face blackouts. Solar energy can help protect the grid during extreme heat, but it comes with the added cost of increasing climate waste and decreasing efficiency. Photo illustration: Xingpei Shen

How the heat wave can affect the power grid.

A deadly heat wave is spreading across the U.S., bringing record-breaking temperatures to some states and affecting millions of people. WSJ’s Jennifer Hiller breaks down how the heat can impact our power grids. Photo: Ash Ponders/Bloomberg News

Texas power grid struggles with system-wide stresses caused by brutal heat wave.

A record heat wave, and its connections to climate change, are highlighting again the growing concerns around America’s electrical grid and whether it can withstand the added stress. In Texas, which operates its own electrical grid, power demand hit an all-time high this week. William Brangham discussed more with Michael Webber, a professor of energy resources at the University of Texas.

Adding capacity to the electricity grid is not a simple task.

Chill sun solar, a facility in Nevada with a generating capacity of 2.25gw, should produce enough electricity to meet 1.7% of California’s annual demand. The 4.1gw Berwick Bank wind farm, off the east coast of Scotland, will provide more energy over a year than could Britain’s two largest gas-fired power stations running full tilt.